Hi and welcome

My name is George

I see myself as a modern day flâneur.

Popularized by Baudelaire, the flâneur—a strolling male, top hat often included—was a typical figure in the artistic culture of nineteenth-century France. They observed the bustle of urban life.

A street photographer is a 21st-century flâneur, with a camera instead of a top hat.

I have written article for 35mmc and Komos Foto.

95% of my photography is analogue, using cameras such as Holgas, SLRs, simple point & shoots to twin lens reflex.

I am also a collector of photography zines.

I had also published two zines of my own, Memento Mori, a study of Nunhead cemetery, an abandoned Victorian cemetery and London through a Holga, images shot in London with a toy camera.

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My journey in film photogaphy


Just a guy who likes shooting analogue cameras and talking about the process Contributor to KosmoFoto and 35mmc.